
The building

IRSOO’s building is located in the centre of Vinci (Florence), in Piazza della Libertà n. 18. It was constructed at the beginning of the 20th century to host a primary school. During the ‘70s, it became the venue of IRSOO’s courses in Optics and Optometry and, from 2006, it hosts courses for the Degree in Optics and Optometry of the University of Florence.

In 2010, the Regione Toscana co-funded the functional requalification of the building. A refurbishing and expansion work, completed in 2015, with the creation of a modern, renovated, energy efficient and wheelchair accessible structure.

The enlarged building hosts physical optics laboratories, which are equipped for quality control, and optical/optometric laboratories, where features and functionality of instruments used in ophthalmology, optics and optometry can be evaluated. The new laboratories are designed for scientific research activities.

Classrooms and laboratories

Teaching rooms include:

  • Classrooms, both for lecture-style and group lessons;
  • Laboratories provided with both standard and cutting-edge equipment; these rooms are primarily destined to practical activities but also used for public sight measurements, students’ out-of-class work, research, study and examinations);
  • A library, with a large number of International scientific journals and specialized magazines;
  • A teachers’ room;
  • A meeting room.


IRSOO has:

  • A front-desk and reception services;
  • Didactic and administrative offices;
  • A Director’s office.

Wi-Fi Connection

The institute offers Wi-Fi internet connection.